About Me

My name is Sara and I am on the quest for a better me! I was banded on May 23, 2012. Come join along and help me stay accountable!

Friday, October 5, 2012

so much for wkly blogging - life's been crazy!

I know I said I was going to be blogging at least weekly.  I have to say, last night was the first night I've slept a true "sleep" in probably 2 weeks.  Life has been insane!

A couple of weeks ago, we had finals week at school so I pulled an actual all nighter, to grade finals.  UGH.  I haven't done that since college! At least in college I could usually find time throughout the day to catch a nap.  Nope... Now that I'm a working adult I had to stay busy until 5 the day after!  The all nighter was partly due to the fact that my mom's birthday was the night before.  My sister (who has been living in Colombia, South America for 2 years ) was back in town, so we went out for my Mom's birthday.  We have a place called Uptown Art in town, where normal people can go and feel like they are an artist :-)  It is nice because, while you all do the same picture, everybody's own skills make it slightly different.  They serve wine and appetizers and its a nice night.  But I didn't get home till 10:30, so I didn't start my grading till after that!

Then last week, we had this little thing called my sister's wedding.  All sorts of stuff going on.  Both sides of the family were in town, and since they no longer talk (after the divorce) me and the rest of my siblings spent most of the week going back and forth between events.  Here's a pic of the family with both brothers-in-law. 

It really was a great experience all the way around.  Though, it reiterated the fact that I am not made to wear 4 inch heels.  OUCH!

In between all this, I've been working on my own school work.  Did I mention before I started grad school again?  I'm so bad!  I can't pass up free school so I started an MBA program.  My previous degrees I was able to just go with the flow on.  This one is so different!  It is a totally new language for me.  So i find myself looking up terms in the glossary and taking twice as long to do assignments than I should.  Grr!  In fact, I should be working on my final paper right now.

So, on the band front things are going better.  I went in a couple of weeks ago, and got an itty bitty baby fill (.5 CC) and a big talking to from the doc.  He thinks I'm fighting the band.  Chewing too much and eating too slow, so that I can still eat more than I need.  :-(

I have had two weeks of losses, which is good.  I even lost 2.2 lbs the week of the wedding.  I think it is actually because we were so busy and ate out a lot.  I do better when I'm busy and actually do pretty good when we eat out.  At home I go back to grazing which adds up to bigger calorie counts. 

So, I'm moving in the right direction.  Now that wedding is over etc, hopefully life settles a bit and I can get back on track with my C25k.  


  1. grazing kills me...I just force myself to stop eating after 30min...have to or I will finish my plate!

  2. I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog for details: http://lapsinlife.blogspot.com/
